Peti Costa is an artist who lives between Berlin and São Paulo. He is a performer, choreographer, independent researcher, and dance and movement teacher, inspire by the Fighting Monkey practice. He works in the fields of dance, theater, and performance. With over 20 years of experience, he explores the relationship between games, traditional and popular dances, martial arts, and somatic methods.
He holds a bachelor's degree in Communication of the Body Arts (Performing Arts) from PUC/SP (2006) and specializations in Creating Dance and Art and Education from TanzTangente/UDK Berlin (2020) and in Somatics in Dance, Choreography, and Performance from Somatische Akademie Berlin (2018). Since 2004, he has been practicing Aikido, complementing his own bodily approach. He is also currently studying Tai Ki Kung.
Peti collaborates with artists Danilo Nonato and Guilherme Nobre from Núcleo Estopim, developing movement research projects for creation and conducting actions for youth in the outskirts of São Paulo. In Berlin, he teaches dance classes for the Theater Thikwa ensemble and, since 2021, he has been a guest teacher for the bachelor's program Dance, Choreography, and Context at HZT/UDK Berlin. He has received the Dis-Tanz-Solo scholarships from Dachverband Tanz Deutschland e.V. in the years 2021 and 2023.
Additionally, he collaborates with Grupo Oito in Berlin, with whom he presented the performance "Dance For Sale" at the Festival celebrating the 10th anniversary of Uferstudio. In 2023, he participated in the Public Festival at Acker Stadt Palast with Anna Clementi. He is also a member of PlaygroundBerlim, a group that brings together artists from various disciplines and performs instant composition.